From: (Kimberly M. Antell) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: MUD Info Message-ID: <47534@ut-emx.uucp> Date: 19 Apr 91 23:35:29 GMT References: <> Sender: news@ut-emx.uucp Reply-To: (Kimberly M. Antell) Organization: The University of Texas at Austin Lines: 384 Sorry, Kaine. I don't think I was ever sent it, however Anarchy might have it. This is all of the info about MUDs That I have for anyone who wishes to read about it. ************************************************************************* The term MUD originally referred to a particular game, not an entire class of them. MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) was created and written by Roy Trubshaw at Essex University in Britain. It was written in BCPL on the university's DEC KL10. The point of the game was to gain points until you achieved the rank of wizard, at which point you became a wizard and gained certain powers over mortals. Richard Bartle later took the basic framework created by Trubshaw and modified it extensively. The game gained some popularity in Britain when a guest account was set up that allowed users on JANET (the British academic network) to play during the small hours of the morning each day. When Bartle and MUD left Essex, some people there implemented a new world using the old MUD software called MIST. Later another game, LAND, was added. MIST is still up today. The Essex KL10 is due to be taken out of service in the near future, so the original MUD should soon be taking its final bows. (JANET 00004960000001, IPSS 02342206411411 and then HO 0.) When Richard Bartle left Essex, he took MUD with him and went commercial. He's responsible for MUD-2, which currently runs on a British Telecom VAXcluster and costs money to play. There are several other commercial MUDs in the UK, but due to the number of games run by enthusiasts trying successful. One that is doing well is SHADES. SHADES is a game on Micronet, a British service that is roughly comparable to CompuServe in the States. The original MUD is commercially available in the United States on CompuServe. They call it British Legends. VAXMUD was written in FORTRAN for VAX/VMS systems. It's another combat-based game but unlike MUD you kept whatever objects you were carrying when you saved your character. The game is weakened by the fact that the authors distribute the game in binary form, not source code, and the provided scenario is very difficult to customize well. MUNDI was written by some MUD players at Warwick University and never distributed. It's mentioned here because it was probably the first British MUD written to be efficient and networkable. One player of the Essex MUD was Alan Cox, also known as Anarchy. He wrote (with a bit of help) AberMUD, named after the University of Aberystwyth, Wales, which he attended at the time. It was originally implemented on a Honeywell mainframe running GCOS but was soon ported to UNIX. Its poor design and implementation (all game information was stored in a shared file, which meant that several processes were constantly accessing the disc) did not endear it to many system administrators. Nevertheless, it was the first MUD to gain widespread popularity. After the source code reached the United States, several people made enhancements and additions, notably Rich $alz. It now seems to have found a home at St. Olaf University, where a few dedicated hackers are keeping it alive despite its general grunginess. In the early 1908s members of Lysator, the student computer club at Linkoping University in Sweden were involved called Asgaard, named after the mythical home of the Norse and Viking gods. The goal of the project was to create an extendable multi-user adventure game. Within a few years the project was fading away; the only concrete result was a multi-user LISP called Runes, which had hooks to facilitate game implementation. Milieu was originally written for a CDC Cyber owned by the Minnesota Educational Computer Consortium. High school students from around the state were given access to the machine for educational purposes; they often ended up writing chat programs and games instead. I am uncertain of the precise time frame, but I believe Milieu probably predates MUD. Eventually, Alan Klietz ported the game from Pascal to C and wrote an implementation that would run on an IBM PC XT running a multitasking operating system called QNX. Alan and a few other people formed a company called GamBits Timesharing, attached sixteen modems to an XT, and started selling time on it. The game, now called The Scepter of Goth (or The Scepter and The Phoenix, or just Scepter) was now publically available. The GamBits system had bulletin boards, mail, chat, and a few other games, but its primary attraction was Scepter. The system was reasonably priced and managed to form quite a local following. Scepter had the best atmosphere of any multi-user game I've played. The primary setting was the town of Boldhome and outlying areas. The game had AD&D-like mechanics, with character classes and ability scores. Certain players were DMs, analogous to wizards in MUD but more powerful. DMs could create, modify, or remove rooms, monsters, objects and players using an online game editor. The game wasn't programmable, but it was very extensible. In Scepter, DM states was granted, not earned. Eventually, GamBits started licensing the software to other sites, and Scepter became available in cities like Chicago and Austin. After a few years GamBits sold the software to a Virginia company called Interplay, which continued to license the software. Interplay eventually became mired in a legal mess (various of its executives were charged and possibly convicted of tax evasion -- I'm fuzzy on the details) and today no longer exists. Scepter was sold off to one of Interplay's creditors. Today, the game is more or less history. Alan Klietz is said to be working on his latest project, Screenplay and lurks out there on the Internet somewhere (hi, Alan). Monster is a rather large and clunky MUD for VMS systems that got posted to a few years ago. It was written in some truly ghastly Pascal and was prone to hog lots of system resources. (Like AberMUD, it used shared files for inter-process communication.) "TinyMUD 1.0 was initially designed as a portable, stripped-down version of Monster (this was back in the days when TinyMUD was designed to be up and running in a week of coding and last for a month before everybody got bored of it.) The basic idea was to include the minimal object-creation and locking features of Monster without throwing in all the hairy stuff. Since then a lot of the hairy stuff has been reinvented. It might be interesting to go back and look at the Monster docs and see how much of its functionality eventually showed up in TinyMUD." -- James Aspnes TinyMUD has built up a considerable following, and today is perhaps the most popular MUD on the Internet. Aspnes' TinyMUD went down when he finally got fed up with it. TinyMUCK and TinyMOO are derivatives of TinyMUD, as should be obvious from their names. Their main difference from TinyMUD is that they are programmable. (I can't get more specific here, since MUDs in the TinyMUD vein have never been my particular cup of tea.) LPMUD by Lars Pensj| of Sweden was the first MUD with a built-in extension language, in this case a subset of C. Wizards in LPMUD can create new rooms, objects, monsters and commands, driven by programs of arbitrary complexity. This introduced a considerable level of depth into the choices open to wizards, and brought some new problems too. The original LPMUD is still up (, port 2000). Ubermud is another programmable MUD. I've not played it so I can't offer specific comments. The author seems to have mostly lost interest now that the software is finished. Today, the code is used more as an example of what can be done with MUDs than an actual production system. (There are no public Ubermuds running today that I know of.) YAMA (Yet Another Multiuser Adventure) is the latest project of Alan Cox. (You remember him. Anarchy. As in AberMUD.) It is actually a program for writing MUDs. It was written to be fast and powerful. It has been aptly described as an assembly language for MUDs: it's speedy, efficient, and a bitch to learn. Alan still considers it to be beta testing and is not ready to release the code, so don't even ask. And finally, the ever-popular VaporMUDs. There are at least two MUDs that, according to their authors, are currently being written and will be the greatest hoopiest most whiz-bang games to ever hit the earth. I'll welcome these games when they arrive, but for now they're just so much hoopla and hype. Regardless, MUD development goes on. History of the World Preface History of the World Part 1 History of the World Part 2 History of the World Part 3 History of the World Part 4 History of the World Part 5 History of the World Part 6 History of the World Part 7 History of the World Part 8 History of the World Index The History of the World details the creation and evolution of TinyMUD. It was compiled and edited by Chrysalis. She wishes to thank Wizard for his stories of The Old Days. In the beginning, there was the Internet Relay Chat. And thus an internet Hunt The Wumpus game came into existance. And Wizard looked, and saw, and said, "I could beat that." And there was AberMUD, a silly adventure game. And Wizard looked, and saw, and said, "This is Gross, but it has a neat name." And from these was TinyMUD born, a great internet game with a neat name. Wizard started work upon TinyMUD in August 1989, and in a week had it running. By the end of September, it was full blown and open to The Public. And Wizard cried, "It was just a weekend hack that got out of hand!" And indeed, soon it overran its disk quota, and was moved to another machine. And there it flourished. Then, to quell public demand, Wizard released his source code, and beta tests sprung up 'round the land. One of these beta test became known as TinyHELL, and it was the first to go public. Nightfall, a player from TinyMUD, became the wizard in TinyHELL, and he set it arunning on his machine. Only eight lucky souls were permitted to roam in TinyHELL in the beginning. The monstrous task of starting the world was left up to them. And they exceeded all expectations in their building. They built vast roads, fields, mountains, and buildings, and rewrote all the books in the library (for Wizard didn't believe in documentation), such that it was deemed time to let the masses in. And thus the masses were let in, and thus our story stands. But it does not end here, for the world will always have a TinyMUD to build in, and there will always be a Wizard curled up asleep in his hat. The Seven are: Chrysalis, fur, wisher, Drax, ralph, bobo, and yaz. Chrys built most of the west side, fur northwest and the weirder stuff, Drax south, Nightfall north and east, and everyone else bits in between. So it was written. The Cyclopedia Three has numerous entries on subjects like tinyMUD, Rec Room, cyberportals, tinymud.el, Jim Aspnes, and other entries of historical interest. Now if it only had an index... (working on that...) You can find the cyclopedia in 0.e on Chaos these days. To go back to the original MUDs, I think you'd have to go to the UK. My somewhat hazy memory recalls that a game called MUD was written in the early 80s at one of the British universities. Eventually AberMUD was developed a couple of years later, which became a success in the UK and was even adapted for commercial use by at least one network. Bill Wisner, who posts here from time to time talking about "real MUDs", may know more details. Other early multi-player games include Monster and a nameless one at Purdue from which Jim grabbed the " and : command ideas. James Aspnes wrote TinyMUD in the summer of 1989 as a nice simple compact multi-user adventure game and invited fellow CMU grad students to play on it. They did, enjoyed it, told friends about it, students at other universities got on, and... well, I guess you know the rest, since you were there for most of it yourself. ************************************************************************* Sorry about the type. I was in a hurry. Hope this helps! Spiel